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Children’s Corner2023-10-11T15:16:48+02:00

Children’s Corner

Children are the main focus of the IMMERSE Project They’ve been part of the project from the start, helping decide how to do things. IMMERSE set up a Children and Young People’s Advisory Group with young migrants to ensure that children and young people’s voices were included. Involving children in research helps us to understand children’s lives better.

The project has developed new tools and data to help schools and governments assess how well refugee and migrant children are adapting to their new schools and how to help them along the way.

The IMMERSE project had 25,000 children participating, and the majority, 60%, came from migrant backgrounds. These children were from six European countries: Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Greece, and Spain.

The IMMERSE Children’s Corner is a space where Children, parents, teachers and other professionals supporting the inclusion of migrant and refugee children can find information about:

  • How children have been involved in creating and doing the project’s activities and outcomes.
  • How teachers, educators, and researchers have teamed up with children through the whole process.

  • Useful materials for workshops with children on migrant and refugee integration and inclusion in schools.

  • November 19th, 2023

    The CYPAG team members have been involved in every step of the way during the IMMERSE journey. They know all about the project and the amazing things it has accomplished. As we're getting closer to the finish line, the dedicated team at University College Cork is making sure to share the exciting news [...]

  • June 3rd, 2023

    After the success of the 'Immerse Yourself! Belonging Exhibition,' we eagerly planned a second exhibition in the winter of 2023. On this occasion, we encouraged children to discuss and then express the significance of Language in their lives through art and poetry in the 'Immerse Yourself Again! Exhibition.' We continued with the same open [...]

  • April 24th, 2023

    Migrant children aged 12-14 from a Spanish school, were asked for proposals regarding migration issues. The activity was led by the University Institute for Studies on Migration (IUEM) this April and, after presenting the children the results of IMMERSE project, these were their answers. If [...]

  • April 20th, 2023

    In April 2023, the University Institute for Studies on Migration (IUEM) organized a policy consultation to migrant children in a Spanish school, as part of the IMMERSE project. The charter school Lourdes FUHEM, in Madrid, joined us to gather the opinion of some of their students. Participants: 12 migrant students divided in 3 groups. [...]

  • December 28th, 2022

    In autumn 2022, schools across the 6 IMMERSE consortium countries were invited to participate in the Belonging poetry and drawing exhibition. Students could engage in workshop activies such as those suggested in the postcard below. The objective of this activity was to give children an opportunity to consider what it means to belong, and [...]

  • December 12th, 2021

    The same way we provided resources for the younger children to complete our survey on integration of the migrant and refugee children, we adapted the materials for the older children to be surveyed in the six countries of the project members. We used the presentation in this link to introduce them the IMMERSE project [...]

  • December 7th, 2021

    From September 2021, questionaires to gather younger children's (aged 7 - 9 years old) opinions on the integration of migrant and refugee children, are being distributed among schools from Ireland, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Italy and Greece. As detailed, we adjusted the questionaires taking into account the Children and Youth Research Advisory Group's feedback. However, [...]

  • November 12th, 2021

    In our last meeting with the CYPAG, there were 10 children aged 9-17 years old and all of them were Asylum Seekers or Refugees. The participants were asked why they felt it was important to talk to migrant children about research with migrant children. The CYPAG identified a number of reasons this was important [...]

  • November 30th, 2019

    The Children and Youth Research Advisory Group (CYPAG) from Ireland, has just met for the second time. Led by the University College Cork project members, the children had a project update. By this time, the current IMMERSE dashboard of indicators is ready to become the basis for a survey instrument to be used for large-scale [...]

  • November 25th, 2019

    In the fall of 2019, IMMERSE has embarked on a significant awareness campaign, from October 21st to November 20th. This campaign coincided with Universal Children’s Rights Day on November 20th, an annual day that commemorates the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which had reached its 30th anniversary this [...]

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November 16th, 2023|News|

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