Children’s Voice: Expressing Language through art

Children’s Voice: Expressing Language through art

After the success of the ‘Immerse Yourself! Belonging Exhibition,’ we eagerly planned a second exhibition in the winter of 2023. On this occasion, we encouraged children to discuss and then express the significance of Language in their lives through art and poetry in the ‘Immerse Yourself Again! Exhibition.’

We continued with the same open workshop structure as in the previous exhibition. Please refer to the postcard above, which has been translated into consortium languages for distribution to schools during the final data collection phase of our quantitative study. Additionally, we’ve expanded the IMMERSE HUB with more galleries showcasing the artwork and poetry created by the children.

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IMMERSE co-creation approach: internal project operating principles for stakeholder engagement

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Immerse yourself again! Poetry and Drawing Exhibition in schools about “Language”

June 7th, 2023|Children, Community, News, Schools|

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Immerse yourself! Poetry and Drawing Exhibition in schools about “Belonging”

December 27th, 2022|Children, Community, News, Schools|

The IMMERSE YOURSELF! Poetry and Drawing Exhibition on the subject of “Belonging” is now live in the IMMERSE Hub.  Students aged 7-18, from schools and centres, contacted as part of the larger IMMERSE project, in [...]

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