The first Children and Youth Research Advisory Group meeting

The first Children and Youth Research Advisory Group meeting

The University College Cork research team hosted the first meeting with the Children and Youth Research Advisory Group (CYPAG). The aim of the group of migrant children is to actively participate in the project by generating co-created results by sharing their opinions on issues that directly affect them. They will do so by helping design the research methods, providing feedback on project outcomes, and presenting their own views at IMMERSE events. The group will meet twice a year.

During this first meeting, the CRAG have been introduced to who is involved in the IMMERSE project, what it entails, what their role will be, the importance of their participation, and the types of activities that will take place in upcoming meetings (surveys, focus groups, photo-voice, ballot boxes, etc.).

Here you can download the presentation used in the meeting (only available in English).

One of the activities the CYPAG did at the first meeting was an interactive and fun activity to collect their idea’s about belonging.

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