Dashboard of socio-educational integration indicators2023-12-22T09:09:06+01:00

Dashboard of socio-educational integration indicators

This Dashboard of Indicators has been co-created to depict a more meaningful definition of integration, including the voices of migrant and refugee children, their families and those who work directly with them in schools, NGOs, and policy makers.

It encompasses 30 indicators:

  • 14 for integration results at the micro level, divided into 5 dimensions: 1) access to rights, 2) language and culture, 3) well-being, 4) connectedness and 5) educational achievements​;

  • and 16 for barriers and facilitators of integration at the meso and macro levels, related to: 1) political leadership, 2) school segregation, 3) school organisation and teachers, 4) learning support, 5) mental health services, and 6) negative attitudes.

The data contained in the Dashboard brings together information obtained from both primary data collection (carried out between 2021-2023, encompassing 24,419 children and 406 sites) and secondary documentary sources (Eurostat, national ministries and statistical offices, MIPEX, PISA, Eurydice).

The co-creation of the Dashboard of Indicators and the data contained in the Dashboard were produced in the six IMMERSE countries: Belgium, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, and Spain. Nonetheless, the overarching IMMERSE project and its corresponding Dashboard of Indicators have been designed to maintain applicability across national borders and encompass a pan-European perspective.

Dashboard of indicators

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New educational resources available on the IMMERSE Hub

March 30th, 2022|Community, News|

The IMMERSE Hub includes free educational resources such as lesson plans, workshop ideas, and articles to work on the topics of inclusion and migration in the classroom. All these teaching materials and articles are available open-source; however, it is necessary [...]

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