
Guiding principles for the reception and inclusion of refugee and migrant children

By |2022-05-24T17:55:52+02:00Mai 23rd, 2022|Awareness campaign, News, Resources|

IMMERSE researchers have created a list of ten guiding principles, based on the results of a co-created methodology (involving children and other stakeholders) to define 30 key indicators to monitor socio-educational inclusion. Click on [...]

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Video tutorial on the IMMERSE Hub

By |2022-05-24T17:15:17+02:00Februar 28th, 2022|Community, News, Resources|

A video tutorial available in English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Italian, and Greek explains how to participate in the IMMERSE Hub, the free platform for schools, professionals and anyone involved or interested in the [...]

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Together we make all the difference

Unlocking Pathways to Integration: Highlights from the IMMERSE Project’s Conference at the European Parliament

November 16th, 2023|News|

On November 6th, the greatest dissemination event of the IMMERSE project took place at the European Parliament premises, in Brussels. IMMERSE team joined H2020 project REFUGE-ED in this conference, to consolidate efforts, share knowledge to successfully address the integration of [...]

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