
Immerse yourself again! Poetry and Drawing Exhibition in schools about “Language”

By |2023-06-07T11:44:40+02:00junio 7th, 2023|Children, Community, News, Schools|

The IMMERSE YOURSELF AGAIN! Poetry and Drawing Exhibition on the subject of “Language” is now live in the IMMERSE HUB. Following the success of our first exhibition about “Belonging”, students aged 7-18, from [...]

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Immerse yourself! Poetry and Drawing Exhibition in schools about “Belonging”

By |2023-01-12T18:27:33+01:00diciembre 27th, 2022|Children, Community, News, Schools|

The IMMERSE YOURSELF! Poetry and Drawing Exhibition on the subject of “Belonging” is now live in the IMMERSE Hub.  Students aged 7-18, from schools and centres, contacted as part [...]

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IMMERSE’s response to the arrival of refugee children from Ukraine

By |2022-05-24T18:27:13+02:00mayo 24th, 2022|Community, News, Publications|

IMMERSE was born out of the concern for ensuring that Europe meets the challenges and the potential involved in the successful inclusion of all refugee and migrant children across the continent. [...]

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Online Digital Database of good practices at national and EU level now available

By |2023-10-16T13:02:29+02:00abril 30th, 2022|Community, News|

IMMERSE has launched its online database with more than 100 resources aimed at identifying supportive environments, educational conditions and practical materials addressed to school leaders, teachers, educators, and social professionals involved in the [...]

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New educational resources available on the IMMERSE Hub

By |2022-05-24T17:23:29+02:00marzo 30th, 2022|Community, News|

The IMMERSE Hub includes free educational resources such as lesson plans, workshop ideas, and articles to work on the topics of inclusion and migration in the classroom. All these teaching materials and articles are [...]

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Video tutorial on the IMMERSE Hub

By |2022-05-24T17:15:17+02:00febrero 28th, 2022|Community, News, Resources|

A video tutorial available in English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Italian, and Greek explains how to participate in the IMMERSE Hub, the free platform for schools, professionals and anyone involved or interested in the [...]

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Together we make all the difference

Unlocking Pathways to Integration: Highlights from the IMMERSE Project’s Conference at the European Parliament

noviembre 16th, 2023|News|

On November 6th, the greatest dissemination event of the IMMERSE project took place at the European Parliament premises, in Brussels. IMMERSE team joined H2020 project REFUGE-ED in this conference, to consolidate efforts, share knowledge to successfully address the integration of [...]

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