IMMERSE HUB2021-06-24T18:56:26+02:00


Online platform aimed at building up a virtual community of professionals, institutions and other actors interested on the socio-educational inclusion of migrant and refugee children. The platform will provide them with a common space to share their own experiences, ideas and concerns, and a place to get relevant information, resources and best practices and initiatives identified within IMMERSE.

The IMMERSE hub will help to create awareness and to disseminate the project activities and results.

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IMMERSE co-creation approach: internal project operating principles for stakeholder engagement

June 20th, 2023|Co-creation|

To ensure a common standard in facilitating the workshops, focus groups, and other activities the following agreed-upon principles should inform all facilitators, researchers, and project planners in both the planning and the execution stages of all stakeholder activities. [...]

Immerse yourself again! Poetry and Drawing Exhibition in schools about “Language”

June 7th, 2023|Children, Community, News, Schools|

The IMMERSE YOURSELF AGAIN! Poetry and Drawing Exhibition on the subject of “Language” is now live in the IMMERSE HUB. Following the success of our first exhibition about “Belonging”, students aged 7-18, from schools and centres in IMMERSE six [...]

Immerse yourself! Poetry and Drawing Exhibition in schools about “Belonging”

December 27th, 2022|Children, Community, News, Schools|

The IMMERSE YOURSELF! Poetry and Drawing Exhibition on the subject of “Belonging” is now live in the IMMERSE Hub.  Students aged 7-18, from schools and centres, contacted as part of the larger IMMERSE project, in [...]

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