Materiali utili2022-11-21T16:20:45+01:00

Materiali utili

Video e campagne di sensibilizzazione

Tu hai la Chiave, campagna 2022

Principi guida per l’accoglienza e l’inclusione di bambini, bambine e adolescenti rifugiati

Volantino della campagna 2021 Voice4Action 2021


Cartolina della campagna di sensibilizzazione 2020

Risorse educative dell’UNICEF Spagna

Cartolina della campagna di sensibilizzazione

Strumenti di comunicazione


Kit di stampa



Identità visiva



Linee Guida Identità Visiva

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Together we make all the difference

Educational resources to promote integration are now available in seven languages through the IMMERSE Hub

Settembre 16th, 2021|Non categorizzato|

  The IMMERSE HUB makes available to teachers and education professionals working with children a growing bank of educational free access resources in seven languages. These resources consist of workshop ideas, classroom activities, lesson plans and academic articles covering different aspects [...]

IMMERSE publishes its dashboard of socio-educational integration indicators.

Ottobre 21st, 2020|Non categorizzato|

The Dashboard of Indicators has been developed by listening to the voices of migrant and refugee children, their families and those who work directly with them in schools, NGOs, and policy makers considering that they, as key players, are those who [...]

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