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Together we make all the difference

Sharing insights on inclusion of migrant and refugee children in Spain on October 26th

Ottobre 24th, 2023|News|

The University Institute of Studies on Migration (IUEM), established by Comillas Pontifical University in 1994 as a specialized research center to address the complexities and the political and social transformations brought about by migratory events, is pleased to announce the [...]

L’approccio di co-creazione di IMMERSE: identificare e valutare buone pratiche stimolanti per la mia scuola

Ottobre 22nd, 2023|Co-creazione|

Le scuole, in quanto principali ambienti educativi, e gli insegnanti, in quanto principali attori educativi, svolgono un ruolo significativo nell’inclusione socio-educativa dei bambini con background migratorio. A questo proposito, l’implementazione di modelli educativi più efficienti per l’inclusione socio-educativa dovrebbe essere [...]

Get ready to dive into the IMMERSE Project Dissemination Event in Brussels

Ottobre 21st, 2023|News|

  These weeks, our schedules are filled with a series of exciting events. The next one we'd like to introduce takes place online, right from Brussels. Active Citizen Europe, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the integration of young people into [...]

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