Leermiddelen door UNICEF Spanje2019-10-28T12:01:31+01:00

Leermiddelen door UNICEF Spanje

Lager onderwijs
  • Activity: Humanity passport (game instructions)
    EN | ES | IT | EL
  • Activity: Humanity passport (handout)
    EN | ES | IT | EL
  • Activity: Unfairy stories
    EN | ES | IT | EL
Voortgezet onderwijs
  • Activity: More than words
    EN | ES | IT | EL
  • Glossary: Migration, refuge, asylum
    EN | ES | IT | EL
  • Presentation: Refugee
    EN | ES | IT | EL

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Latest news

Together we make all the difference

Teachers’ view about integration in schools

november 6th, 2019|Geen onderdeel van een categorie|

This survey has been answered by a group of 18 teachers from La Salle (Irún, Spain). In their regular classes, they have 10% of migrant students. During informal training, however, the percentage of migrant students can reach 60 or 70%. [...]

Short interview with a mother of migrant children

oktober 30th, 2019|Geen onderdeel van een categorie|

1. Have you felt integrated into this country? How do you and your children feel at school? We arrived 13 years ago. My husband and I have 3 children who were born here. At the beginning it was exhausting especially due [...]

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