

Unlocking Pathways to Integration: Highlights from the IMMERSE Project’s Conference at the European Parliament

november 16th, 2023|News|

On November 6th, the greatest dissemination event of the IMMERSE project took place at the European Parliament premises, in Brussels. IMMERSE team joined H2020 project REFUGE-ED in this conference, [...]

IMMERSE co-creatie aanpak: Lundy Model van Participatie

oktober 30th, 2023|Co-creatie|

Het IMMERSE-team gebruikte het Lundy Participatiemodel als informatiebron voor de co-creatieactiviteiten met kinderen, waaronder activiteiten met de Adviesgroep Kinder- en Jongerenonderzoek en de workshops voor beleidsoverleg. Dit model is [...]

Sharing insights on inclusion of migrant and refugee children in Spain on October 26th

oktober 24th, 2023|News|

The University Institute of Studies on Migration (IUEM), established by Comillas Pontifical University in 1994 as a specialized research center to address the complexities and the political and social [...]

IMMERSE co-creatie aanpak: inspirerende goede praktijken voor mijn school identificeren en evalueren

oktober 22nd, 2023|Co-creatie|

Scholen, als belangrijkste onderwijsomgevingen, en leerkrachten, als belangrijkste onderwijsactoren, spelen een belangrijke rol in de sociaal-educatieve inclusie van migrantenkinderen. In dit verband moet de implementatie van efficiëntere onderwijsmodellen voor [...]

The challenges of minors inclusion in Italy will be presented at our upcoming IMMERSE event in Rome

oktober 18th, 2023|News|

Save the Children - the international organization that has been fighting for over 100 years to save children in danger and ensure them a future - presents the results of [...]

University College Cork presented their research results at a comprehensive event

september 18th, 2023|News|

On September 15th, the first national dissemination event of the IMMERSE project took place in Cork, Ireland, at the University College Cork headquarters. The involvement of UCC researchers, representatives [...]

IMMERSE co-creatie aanpak: workshops met kinderen van 16 tot 18 jaar

september 4th, 2023|Co-creatie|

Kracht gebruiken: Brainstorm/Tableau Sterke punten Groepsleden kunnen herkennen hoe macht permanent gebruikt wordt door ieder van hen en zien visueel de impact van machtsgebruik. Tijdens de discussie werken [...]

IMMERSE co-creatie aanpak: workshops met kinderen van 13 tot 16 jaar

september 3rd, 2023|Co-creatie|

Teamoefening Baksteen Sterke punten De oefening kan gebruikt worden als opwarmertje voor projecten en andere planningsprocessen. Ze kan ook gebruikt worden bij teambuilding. Zwakke punten Conversatie. Doel Een [...]

IMMERSE co-creatie aanpak: kernfacilitatietools – facilitatie welkom en afscheid

juni 28th, 2023|Co-creatie|

Om de sfeer voor de workshop te bepalen, is het belangrijk om de sessie op de juiste manier te openen. Daarom moet de facilitator assertief zijn in het introduceren [...]

IMMERSE co-creatie aanpak: kernfacilitatietools – de engagementactiviteit plannen

juni 26th, 2023|Co-creatie|

Instellingen Bij het organiseren van workshops moeten alle facilitators het volgende in gedachten houden: Bereid de ruimte zorgvuldig voor en denk na over een uitnodigende sfeer. Bereid een open [...]

IMMERSE co-creatie aanpak: Kernfacilitatietools – formats voor participatie en betrokkenheid

juni 25th, 2023|Co-creatie|

Een van de doelstellingen van IMMERSE is zinvolle participatie om een volledig en nauwkeurig beeld te krijgen van de situatie van vluchtelingen- en migrantenkinderen in zes landen. Aangezien er [...]

IMMERSE co-creatie aanpak: de interne werkingsprincipes van het project voor betrokkenheid van belanghebbenden

juni 20th, 2023|Co-creatie|

Om een gemeenschappelijke standaard te garanderen bij het faciliteren van de workshops, focusgroepen en andere activiteiten, moeten de volgende overeengekomen principes alle facilitatoren, onderzoekers en projectplanners informeren in zowel [...]

Immerse yourself again! Poetry and Drawing Exhibition in schools about “Language”

juni 7th, 2023|Children, Community, News, Schools|

The IMMERSE YOURSELF AGAIN! Poetry and Drawing Exhibition on the subject of “Language” is now live in the IMMERSE HUB. Following the success of our first exhibition about [...]

Immerse yourself! Poetry and Drawing Exhibition in schools about “Belonging”

december 27th, 2022|Children, Community, News, Schools|

The IMMERSE YOURSELF! Poetry and Drawing Exhibition on the subject of “Belonging” is now live in the IMMERSE Hub.  Students aged 7-18, from schools [...]

Guiding principles for the reception and inclusion of refugee and migrant children

mei 23rd, 2022|Awareness campaign, News, Resources|

IMMERSE researchers have created a list of ten guiding principles, based on the results of a co-created methodology (involving children and other stakeholders) to define 30 key indicators to [...]

Online Digital Database of good practices at national and EU level now available

april 30th, 2022|Community, News|

IMMERSE has launched its online database with more than 100 resources aimed at identifying supportive environments, educational conditions and practical materials addressed to school leaders, teachers, educators, and [...]

Latest report on psychosocial integration and well-being indicators now available

november 12th, 2021|News|

The last report on indicators of socio-educational integration of refugee and migrant children is now available. This paper is the third and final in a series of qualitative [...]

Educational resources to promote integration are now available in seven languages through the IMMERSE Hub

september 16th, 2021|Geen onderdeel van een categorie|

  The IMMERSE HUB makes available to teachers and education professionals working with children a growing bank of educational free access resources in seven languages. These resources consist of workshop [...]

IMMERSE publishes its dashboard of socio-educational integration indicators.

oktober 21st, 2020|Geen onderdeel van een categorie|

The Dashboard of Indicators has been developed by listening to the voices of migrant and refugee children, their families and those who work directly with them in schools, NGOs, and [...]

IMMERSE project: mapping the integration of refugee and migrant children in Europe

juni 14th, 2019|News|

IMMERSE project, integration mapping of refugee and migrant children in schools and other experiential environments in Europe, is a European initiative funded by the Horizon2020 Programme of the European Commission. [...]

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Together we make all the difference

IMMERSE’s response to the arrival of refugee children from Ukraine

mei 24th, 2022|Community, News, Publications|

IMMERSE was born out of the concern for ensuring that Europe meets the challenges and the potential involved in the successful inclusion of all refugee and migrant children across the continent. Today, with the massive arrival of [...]

Guiding principles for the reception and inclusion of refugee and migrant children

mei 23rd, 2022|Awareness campaign, News, Resources|

IMMERSE researchers have created a list of ten guiding principles, based on the results of a co-created methodology (involving children and other stakeholders) to define 30 key indicators to monitor socio-educational inclusion. Click on the image to read and download [...]

Online Digital Database of good practices at national and EU level now available

april 30th, 2022|Community, News|

IMMERSE has launched its online database with more than 100 resources aimed at identifying supportive environments, educational conditions and practical materials addressed to school leaders, teachers, educators, and social professionals involved in the socio-educational integration of refugee and migrant [...]

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