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The IMMERSE project is entering its final phase, and after our first dissemination event in Cork, in the upcoming weeks, more events will be held in the European cities of each project member. Leipzig, Germany (DOZ): October 13th Rome, Italy [...]
On September 15th, the first national dissemination event of the IMMERSE project took place in Cork, Ireland, at the University College Cork headquarters. The involvement of UCC researchers, representatives from the European Migration Network, the Irish Department of Education, youth [...]
Kracht gebruiken: Brainstorm/Tableau Sterke punten Groepsleden kunnen herkennen hoe macht permanent gebruikt wordt door ieder van hen en zien visueel de impact van machtsgebruik. Tijdens de discussie werken de deelnemers samen en verbeteren ze elkaars ideeën en acties. Verlegen [...]