Online Digital Database of good practices and resources in social integration of refugee and migrant children2022-04-08T12:27:59+02:00

Online Digital Database of good practices and resources in social integration of refugee and migrant children

Exhaustive compilation of good practices, projects, policies, methodologies, pedagogical approaches, resources and tools on the socio-educational integration of migrant and refugee children.

This digital practical tool is aimed at identifying supportive environments, educational conditions and practical resources addressed to school leaders, teachers, educators and social professionals relevant for the social integration of migrant children.

You can navigate all the resources included in the database, or search specific resources by selecting among “Category”, “Country of origin / implementation”, “Language” or “Compliance with the Dashboard Outcomes”. You can also make an open search by typing any text in the “Text search”.


Country of origin / implementation
Compliance with the Dashboard Outcomes

Results: 109

UN report: The Voice of Migrant and Refugee Children Living in Belgium

This brief exposes a series of interviews of 170 migrant children performed by UNICEF. They detail their experiences with education, housing policies, and emotional wellbeing in their home and host...
Policy papers UNICEF English

CEPS: Migration integration policies at the local level in Belgium

This policy paper focuses on labour market integration of new arrivals into Belgium. Migrant children’s lower educational attainment levels are taken as symptomatic of a serious integration problem. Individual local...
Policy papers Belgium English

UNHCR: Reinforcing the protection of unaccompanied and separated children in Belgium

This report provides an in-depth exploration of current trajectories for unaccompanied migrant children in Belgium, exposing their shortcomings and offering recommendations accordingly. These include information and recommendations on registration, identification...
Policy papers UNHCR Dutch French

Caritas: A common home: migration and development in Belgium

This paper provides an in-depth historical analysis of migration in Belgium, data on migration flows (as of 2019), and details migrants’ many contributions to their host and home countries. It...
Other tools and resources Belgium English

DASPA, a cultural 'bridging' class

This video functions as, firstly, a partial interview and secondly a look into the DASPA system. DASPA classes function as a cultural bridge for new migrants: they are a French...
Other tools and resources Belgium French

Eurochild: Growing up in Lockdown: Europe’s Children in the age of COVID-19: Belgium Country Profile

This country profile offers data on COVID 19’s impact on migrant children’s existing safety nets, specifically children in CiAC (alternative care). Tackling child poverty and children’s participation are recommended, and...
Other tools and resources Belgium English

IOM: Migrant and displaced children in the age of COVID-19: how the pandemic is impacting them and what can we do to help

The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped how we approach security and movement. In places where ‘social distancing and washing hands with soap and water are not an option’, such as migrant...
Policy papers International Organization for Migration (IOM) English

Human Rights Watch: A Step Forward for 10,000 Rohingya children: Bangladesh allows kids to receive formal education / ‘Are we not human?’: Denial of education for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh

Nearly 400,000 Rohingya refugee children in Bangladesh aren’t getting a formal education. This article and video detail a pilot study approved in January 2020 to teach 10,000 children the Myanmar...
Other tools and resources United States English

Effects of the ‘Corona Crisis’ on Migrant Children and their Integration

This policy brief intends to evaluate the consequences of school lockdown due to Covid-19, and to propose new ways of stimulating the sustainable integration of migrant pupils in the future...
Policy papers Slovenia Catalan English German Polish Slovenian Spanish

The protection of migrant and refugee children in Spain and Europe

In the document Save The Children examine five key issues: protection at Europe's external borders; detention of migrants and refugees; access to asylum and residence; family reunification and guardianship of...
Policy papers Spain Spanish

Beyond borders: a pedagogical proposal on migration and refugee issues

This document is a teacher's guide to help students in all age ranges (5-18) to become familiar with the reality of migration and refuge through a series of activities that...
Other tools and resources Spain Spanish

Human Rights at the Southern Border 2019: Migrant Children

This policy paper intends to analyse the situation of migrant children, the state of their rights and guarantees from their arrival in Andalusia until they become adults. The aim of...
Policy papers Spain Spanish

How to convey child-friendly information to children in migration. A handbook for frontline professionals

This handbook is a practical guide for frontline professionals on how to accompany a child at each stage of his or her journey: from arrival at our borders to finding...
Other tools and resources Council of Europe English

Understanding child participation. Ideas, strategies and dynamics to work on child participation step by step.

This document collects dynamics, strategies and above all good ideas to work and understand something as important as child participation in non-formal education. The report includes promotion and dissemination of...
Other tools and resources Spain Spanish

Promoting integration of migrants and refugees in and through education. Toolkit

This document is a guide developed by Education international (EI) for educators and education unions who work with migrant and refugee children. It compiles strategies and practical actions in a...
Other tools and resources Education International English

Vulnerable groups in the asylum system. An approach to the needs of children, LGTBI+ persons and victims of trafficking

The purpose of the report is to give a voice to particularly vulnerable people in the asylum system, namely children, LGTBI+ persons and victims of trafficking, in order to better...
Policy papers Spain Spanish

The rights of unaccompanied and separated children at Spain’s southern border.

The purpose of the report seeks to offer a comprehensive view of the situation of migrant children arriving at Spain’s southern border, to analyse the main policies and practices that...
Policy papers Spain Spanish

Department of Education and Skills and the Office of the Minister for Integration (2010) Intercultural Education Strategy 2010-2015.

This Intercultural Education Strategy ("IES") aims to ensure that: all students experience an education that "respects the diversity of values, beliefs, languages and traditions in Irish society and is conducted...
Policy papers Ireland English

Education (Admission to Schools) Act 2018

The Act is intended to create a more parent-friendly, equitable and consistent approach to how school admissions policies operate for all primary and post primary schools. This should help to...
Policy papers Ireland English

Department of Justice and Equality (2017) Migrant Integration Strategy: A blueprint for the future.

The Migrant Integration Strategy was developed as the Government’s response to the challenge of promoting integration in a context of increased diversity in Ireland. Its vision is to enable migrants...
Policy papers Ireland English

Economic and Social Research Institute (2021) ANNUAL REPORT ON MIGRATION AND ASYLUM 2019: IRELAND, European Migration Network.

The Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2019: Ireland provides an overview of trends, policy developments and significant debates in the area of migration and international protection during 2019 in...
Other tools and resources Ireland English

Professional Development Service for Teacher: Team-Teaching for Literacy

Professional Development Service for Teacher: Team-Teaching for Literacy seminars rolled out nationally and provides guidance to Special Education and mainstream class teachers in how children for whom English is an...
Other tools and resources Ireland English

UNICEF: Children uprooted

Children uprooted – a UNICEF campaign centred around children living in Ireland who are refugees and migrants. This educational campaign has lessons for primary and secondary students to raise awareness...
Other tools and resources Ireland English

EC Action Plan on the integration of third country nationals

The Action Plan on Integration provides a common policy framework For EU Member States as they further develop and strengthen their national integration policies for migrants from third countries, and...
Other tools and resources European Union English

U.S. Department of Education (Department) Newcomer Tool Kit (2016)

The tool kit is designed to help educators to support newcomer migrant children including Refugee and Asylum Seeking children. The key objectives of the toolkit are to: • Expand and...
Other tools and resources United States English

Mainstreaming 2.0. How Europes Education Systems can Boost Migrants Education.

This report explores the progress made towards the long-term goal of ensuring that European education systems are atuned to diversity. Its starting point is that adapting the full spectrum of...
Policy papers Belgium English

UNHCR: Teaching About Refugees - Guidance on Working with Refugee Children Struggling with Stress and Trauma.

This document aims to help teachers understand how stress and trauma can affect refugee children and students, and also to give some tips and advice to teachers on how to...
Other tools and resources UNHCR English

Teacher Education in the Immigration Society. Equipping for the Normal Practice of Diversity. Policy Brief of the SVR (Expert Council of German Foundations for Integration and Migration) Research Unit and the Mercator Institute for Language Support and German as a Second Language, funded by Foundation Mercator: 2016-4.

Despite the political commitment of the federal states, the reality of working in multilingual and culturally diverse classrooms continues to play only a secondary role in teacher education and training....
Policy papers Germany German

Young Refugees in the Education System. Challenges for Schools, Policymakers, and Administrators. Flight, Research, and Transfer Project by the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies and the Bonn International Center for Conversion Policiy Brief 08a.

This brief presents recommended actions on the basis of an overview article on the state of the art of research "Refuge and Education" on access to education, interlinking of formal...
Policy papers Germany German

Why People flee. Causes of Flight and Migration - A topic for Education and Society. Medico International & GEW (German Education Union))

This brochure encourages people to listen carefully when talking about the causes of flight and the combating of them, and to take into account real facts.
Other tools and resources Germany German

E-Learning: Supporting Refugee Children and Young People

In this course, teachers have the opportunity to learn how to support children in dealing with the consequences of chronic stress, violence and insecurity in everyday school life. So that...
Other tools and resources Germany English German

Multilingual E-Learning Platform EduSkills+

The multilingual platform EduSkills+ is dedicated to different cosmopolitan education strategies and their growing importance in the European and international context. The website offers diverse, engaging and motivating materials for...
Other tools and resources European Union Bulgarian English German Greek Italian Lithuanian Polish Romanian Slovenian

Discussion Paper Multilingualism North Rhine-Westphalia. Approaches and suggestions for the further development of linguistic and cultural diversity in schools. Ministry for School and Further Education of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

The discussion paper now presented lists many approaches to linking instruction in German, foreign languages and other subjects as well as instruction in the language of origin. At the same...
Policy papers Germany German

Position paper on the relevance of inclusion in schools and its effect on education and on lack of school attendance in Italian schools.

Nowadays School is called to face a complex challenge: not only to teach students didactic units but also to include and support children and adolescents in becoming citizens aware of...
Policy papers Italy Italian

Intercultural and digital citizenship paths with second-generation youth: the #IOPARTECIPO project, in the Tuscany region.

The #IOPARTECIPO project aimed at improving the active participation of migrants, focusing on the target group of the “second-generation” youth (2G), implementing the proposals contained in the 2G Manifesto promoted...
Policy papers Italy Italian

School meets unaccompanied minors: actors, duties, and rights that come into play.

This guide reconstructs the process of reception of unaccompanied minors in Italy, identifying the jurisdiction of each actor involved and highlighting the importance of their collaboration to achieve a successful...
Policy papers Italy Italian

Reception Kit for students with a migratory background

This kit aims at helping teachers and education professionals in the reception and inclusion process of students with a migratory background. Different forms are proposed, in order to track the...
Other tools and resources Italy Italian

Teaching and learning through play_Peer education

Through a peer education path, the students of two high schools have attended a training course on crucial issues such as inequalities and social inclusion and then used these bases...
Other tools and resources Italy Italian

Kit SottoSopra: Activities and dialogues against stereotypes and prejudices

Activity kit against stereotypes and prejudices. All the activities were conceived by the boys and girls of the Save the Children SottoSopra Movement, with the aim of creating spaces for...
Other tools and resources Italy Italian

Global Framework for Refugee Education: Refugee Inclusion into pledges for concrete action to help achieve inclusive and equitable quality education for all by 2030.

This Framework aims to create the conditions for global support for the education of refugees and host communities to meet the commitments of the Global Compact on Refugees and the...
Policy papers UNHCR English

Roads to refuge: Teaching ideas to explain people's displacement

Teaching ideas, activities, and lesson plans about refugees for teachers and education professionals. The page is divided into 4 sections: • Who is a refugee? • Refugee journeys • Refugee...
Other tools and resources Australia English

Programme for the integration of the refugee children into public education, implemented by the Hellenic Ministry of Education

Since September 2016, the Hellenic Ministry of Education has implemented a program to integrate refugee children into public education. The purpose is the ambiguous relations that have been developed since...
Policy papers Greece Greek

Reports & data published by UNICEF & EKKA (National Center of Social Solidarity), regarding the unaccompanied children in Greece

EKKA is a specified national service under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. With the support from UNICEF, publishes a bi-weekly updated report on the situation...
Other tools and resources UNICEF English Greek

Recommendations from the Roundtable "Child Protection & European Funding for mobile populations in Greece: Report and prospects for the future "

On 16 May 2021, a Roundtable organized by a group of NGO's (NGO Advocacy working group): ActionAid, Danish Refugee Council, Defence for Children International Greek forum for refugees, International Rescue...
Policy papers Greece Greek

Erasmus + Project - HOPEFUL-Extending Teachers Competences in the effective teaching of literacy, numeracy and digital skills to refugee children -Webinar June 2021, launching of online material for teachers, toolkit / e-learning

HOPEFUL is a European initiative with the main purpose of enhancing teachers’ competences in the teaching of numeracy, literacy and digital skills to refugee and migrant students so as to...
Other tools and resources Greece English Greek

Refugee.Info in Greece

Refugee.Info is a team from around Europe, Middle East, South Asia, Africa, and America. It is a non-profit online platform that works with partners, United Nations agencies, NGOs, governments, refugees,...
Other tools and resources Greece English Greek

Position paper on migrant and refugee children from SOS Children’s Villages International

SOS Children's Villages is one of the most well-known NGO's advocates children's rights. Children are affected by migration in at least three ways: they move with their family; they migrate...
Policy papers Greece English

ELIAMEP: The integration of refugees in educational system in Greece: Policy and management in “moving sand”

The Ministry of Education in 2016 implemented a plan for the integration of children up to 15 years old in the national educational system and the creative employment of children...
Policy papers Greece Greek

Curing the Limbo Project, from the city of Athens

The Municipality of Athens, in collaboration with the Kapodistrian University of Athens (UoA), the Catholic Relief Services (CRS), the International Rescue Committee (IRC), and the Development and Tourism Promotion Company...
Other tools and resources Greece English Greek

J@M vzw Youth Work

J@M vzw offers educational and leisure programmes for children and young people from 6 to15 years old. A venue and support are provided with 5 days a week during the...
Good Practices Belgium Dutch

Groep Intro vzw

Groep Intro is a non-profit organisation committed to working towards an inclusive society. It works across towns and cities in Flanders working on projects in the labour market, in schools,...
Good Practices Belgium Dutch

Stage Nederlands Voor Kinderen

The municipality of Beersel in Flemish Brabant organises Dutch language courses during the holiday periods in Spring and Summer as part of an initiative to help with the integration of...
Good Practices Belgium Dutch

Platform Minors in Exile - Right to Education working groups

The Platform Minors in Exile is a national, bilingual platform of more than 55 organisations. The Platform coordinates the actions of professionals working directly with unaccompanied minors and accompanied children...
Good Practices Belgium Dutch French

SIREE: a cross-border project for refugees and migrants

The SIREE project aims to improve the social and economic integration of refugees by increasing their involvement in the educational process and increasing their economic independence by stimulating self-employment. In...
Good Practices United Kingdom Dutch English

Voisins Solidaires

Since March 2017, La Ligue des Familles and Convivial has been offering Belgians and long-time resident citizens the opportunity to come into contact with refugees living in their immediate neighbourhood....
Good Practices Belgium French

Syrische Vrijwilligers

The Syrische Vrijwilligers Project is a 1-year project that was co-founded by 5 volunteers with a refugee background and co-financed by the government. The idea came when the 5 volunteers...
Good Practices Belgium English

Serve Now

On Monday’s between19:00 - 20:30 and twice on Wednesday’s (16:30 - 18:30 & 19:00 - 20:30) Serve the City, a non-profit voluntary organisation, runs a volunteer homework project and sports...
Good Practices Belgium Dutch English French


NEW ABC will deliver nine real-life pilots for the inclusion of immigrant children and youth in education that will be co-designed by the partners and the stakeholders as examples of...
Good Practices Italy English Italian Polish

ICAM - Including Children Affected by Migration

The acronym CAM (Children Affected by Migration) is used when referring to children who are refugees, asylum seekers, economic or social migrants, or those left behind by family moving to...
Good Practices Italy English

EGERIA PROGRAM. For the inclusion of immigrant students in intercultural schools.

Egeria Program addresses the issue of migrant students’ inclusion and the handling of interculturality within the educational community. The first time this program was delivered was 2006-2007 academic year. EGERIA...
Good Practices Spain Spanish

FRIDA Project: Training for the prevention and detection of racism and xenophobia in the classroom

The project has its origin in the call of the Progress Program 2013 for the Employment and Social Solidarity of the European Commission. It was implemented from November 2014 to...
Good Practices Spain English Spanish

In Crescendo

"In crescendo" is a musical educational project promoted by the socio-educational area of the Orchestra of Castille and Leon. The intervention takes place in an educational centre situated in an...
Good Practices Spain Spanish

Projecte Rossinyol: Intercultural youth mentoring programme in Spain

The roots of the project go back to Israel in the mid-1970s, when a national tutoring programme was established for school pupils in disadvantaged situations. In the 1990s, the University...
Good Practices Spain Catalan English Spanish

Multitasking Cooperative Classrooms (Aulas Cooperativas Multitarea)

The Padre Piquer Training Centre is a state-subsidised school in Madrid, owned by the Montemadrid Foundation and run by the Society of Jesus. The project of pedagogical innovation called “Multitasking...
Good Practices Spain Spanish

Prollema: Empowering young migrants to teach their mother tongue

As many unaccompanied minors have been increasingly arriving to Spain, the Prollema project aims to offer language and teaching training to those young migrants who are suffering critical situations such...
Good Practices Spain Catalan

KAIRÓS MAJADAHONDA ASSOCIATION. Care and support for children and teenagers at risk of social exclusion, and their families

KAIRÓS MAJADAHONDA is an association that works with children and adolescents at risk of social exclusion and their families, in three different settings within the Community of Madrid (some reception...
Good Practices Spain Spanish

Sant Joan de Déu Terres de Lleida – Almacelles

Sant Joan de Déu Terres de Lleida – Almacelles is a centre which, among its services, provides institutional foster care for unaccompanied minors aimed at their social, community and labour...
Good Practices Spain Catalan Spanish

Project “INTEGRAL ATTENTION TO CHILDREN”, Tomillo Foundation

The Tomillo Foundation is a non-profit independent entity whose purpose is to contribute to social improvement and personal development. Through the program "Integral Attention to Children", for both national and...
Good Practices Spain English Spanish

Abraza África / Misión Emmanuel

The Emmanuel Mission is a meeting or reception place for immigrants with a dynamic integration plan and a platform to make their reality known. The project consists of a country...
Good Practices Spain Spanish

Netzwerk der Lehrkräfte mit Zuwanderungsgeschichte - Network of Teachers with a History of Migration

The Ministry of Education in cooperation with the Ministry of Integration initiated the Network of Migrant Teachers of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, which was founded in 2007 as a...
Good Practices Germany German

Competence Network Democracy Education for Young People

The nationwide competence network is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) via the federal programme "Demokratie leben!" (Live democracy!). The official title...
Good Practices Germany German

RAA Berlin - Regional Work Centres for Education, Integration and Democracy e.V.

The Network of centres carries and supports discrimination-critical participation projects in schools, educational environments and in the community in Berlin. Since 1991, it aims at the support of all stakeholders...
Good Practices Germany English German

Fliegen lernen – Lernwerkstatt für alle Kinder (Learning to fly - learning workshop for all children)

The whole program is implemented in many German regions, but the specific best practice “Fliegen lernen” has been implemented by the Catholic Primary School Zugweg in Cologne, North Rhine Westphalia....
Good Practices Germany German

Enable_Tamkin - Self-Learning for Arab Refugee Children & Building a Concept for Mother-tongue Trainers & Teachers

As part of the Erasmus Plus project, workshops were held with 70 Arabic-speaking tutors and trainers in Germany, Italy, Turkey, and Sweden, from 2017 to 2019. Together, a training concept...
Good Practices Germany Arabic English

Rucksack Schule (School Backpack) - A Programme for Language Education and Parental Education

The Backpack School programme brings together the elements of multilingualism in an institutional setting based on the intercultural, diversity-conscious approach, and builds on the pillars: competence orientation, parallelisation, and cooperation...
Good Practices Germany German


Building on the ENABLE project, the same consortium is now implementing another Erasmus+ project for the period 2019-2022. Under the name PARENTable, a workshop concept is being developed and implemented...
Good Practices Germany Arabic English

Kinderrechteschulen NRW – Children’s Rights Schools North Rhine-Westphalia

The ongoing program developed in North Rhine-Westphalia by EDUCATION Y in cooperation with UNICEF puts every child as a subject and rights holder in the focus of school development. The...
Good Practices Germany German

Bookcase Programme - Promoting Language and Diversity

The coach@school - bookcase programme (2017- ongoing) is the first multilingual reading promotion programme that links the educational locations of school/day-care centres and home. It uses multilingual books to promote...
Good Practices Germany German

Municipal Coordination of Educational Opportunities for newly arrived immigrants as Part of the Transfer Initiative

The Transfer Initiative Programme Family has the overall aim of supporting and advancing better coordinated education management in districts and independent cities of Germany. Within the programme, one of the...
Good Practices Germany German

Learning for Integration Project: Quality Learning and Non-Formal Education for Refugees and Migrant Children

The aim of the project is to provide non-formal education and homework support to refugee and migrant children, as well as their parents, in order to contribute to children’s smooth...
Good Practices Greece English Greek

S.U.C.RE - Supporting University Community pathways for REfugees-migrants

The aim of the project was to successfully build the necessary guidelines and training materials that will allow practitioners and stakeholders to facilitate the smooth integration of students and scholars...
Good Practices Greece English Greek

HE.ST.I.A. Helping Students In Acceptance

The project was created out of the need to build an inclusive atmosphere in the schools for all children by training teachers on how to deal with pupils having a...
Good Practices Greece English Greek

SEDIN Project - Creative Methods for Successful Inclusion in Multicultural Schools

The project was created because refugee children (as well as children with migrant/minority background) often face difficulties in adapting in the school environment of the host countries and the traditional...
Good Practices Greece Bulgarian Catalan English French Greek Italian Spanish Turkish

Case Management Tool for Non-formal Education in Youth Work

The project was created because more and more children are falling out of the formal systems. The streets become the main educational environment where they develop their identity with needed...
Good Practices Belgium Dutch English French Portuguese Spanish

RESTORE - Developing safer and positive school climate through restorative practices

The project was created out of the need to implement Restorative Practices within schools in a more sustainable way. Students and teachers work best in an environment in which they...
Good Practices Belgium Dutch English French Italian

RefuEdu - Exchange of knowledge and good practice to enhance the education of refugee and sylum seeking youth

With the drastic rise in asylum applicants, the provision of equal educational chances remains a challenge in the educational contexts of EU Member States with young people with a migrant...
Good Practices Sweden English

Journeys of hope: Educational pathways to social inclusion and tolerance

Given that Europe is facing the greatest refugee crisis since the World War II (about 1 million refugees and migrants arrived in the EU in 2015 and Europol estimates 27%...
Good Practices Austria English

Centre for Children – Frourarcheio

The Center for the Child is an open space for all children whose purpose is to promote and support children’s rights. It is located at the Athens Solidarity Center and...
Good Practices Greece English Greek

“Step2School” Education Programme

The project was created out of the need to provide remedial education in the form of afternoon support classes, which emphasizes language acquisition, mathematics, and homework support, to minors between...
Good Practices Greece English Greek

MINT - Mentoring for Integration of third country national children affected by migration

Third-country nationals, including children and youth, continue to fare worse than EU citizens in terms of employment, education, and social inclusion outcomes. Migrant children and youth are especially vulnerable to...
Good Practices Hungary Czech English Polish Romanian Slovenian

Parents for all

Europe has been for many years a major migrant destination and is becoming increasingly multicultural. Social inclusion of all newcomers and of already existing ethnic or cultural minorities (ECM) is...
Good Practices Greece English German Greek Italian Lithuanian Spanish

Progetto Su.Per. SUccesso nei PERcorsi formativi degi studenti di origine immigrata

The project concerned the paths of students with excellent school records despite disadvantages resulting from the difficulties of the migration experience and low socio-economic status. The project dealt with ethnic...
Good Practices Italy Italian

FAMILIA - Famiglie Migranti: Interventi Locali di Inclusione Attiva

The project’s main objective was to understand social unrests of migrant children and families derived from transnational migration, taking into account both internal and external factors. Furthermore, the research aimed...
Good Practices Italy Italian

Barça Foundation FutbolNet program: Sports, Life Skills and Values for Unaccompanied Minors in Sicily, Italy

Since 2017, UNHCR Italy and Barça Foundation have enjoyed a strategic collaboration to promote emotional and physical wellbeing and social inclusion of unaccompanied minors coming mainly from African countries, Bangladesh...
Good Practices Italy English Italian

In.Media.Res – Integration Mediation Responsibility (Integrazione Mediazione Responsabilità)

InMediaRes aims at overcoming the barriers to the socio-educational inclusion of newly arrived migrant minors with third country citizenship. The project conceives intercultural mediation as a multi-stakeholder process aimed at...
Good Practices Italy Italian

ALI MSNA – 1° VOLO - Linguistic literacy and access to education - Alfabetizzazione Linguistica e accesso all'istruzione

The Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) has activated this project to favour the implementation of literacy and personalized educational paths for 1000 unaccompanied and separated migrant children (UAMs)...
Good Practices Italy Italian

Project PERCORSI - Training, work and integration of unaccompanied minors - Formazione, lavoro e integrazione dei minori non accompagnati

PERCORSI is a project dedicated to the training, employment and integration of young migrants. Started in 2016, the project is operated by the Directorate General of Immigration and Integration Policies...
Good Practices Italy Italian

ItaStra - Scuola di Lingua italiana per Stranieri dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo – Italian Language School for Foreign Students at the University of Palermo

ItaStra was founded in 2008 with the aim of promoting didactic, training, counselling, and research activities in the field of Italian language teaching, through the adoption of innovative methods and...
Good Practices Italy Italian

L’AltRoparlante: plurilinguismo e translanguaging a scuola - L’AltRoparlante: multilingualism and translanguaging at school

The project promotes a “translanguaging turn”, which focuses on the necessity to include in the curricular educational activities all languages and dialects belonging to students’ individual and collective repertoires, in...
Good Practices Italy Italian

Cork Migrant Centre Youth Group Support (CMC YGP)

Since 2017, this project supports migrant youth in Cork who are residents of 6 Direct Provision Centres spread across Cork City and County. The CMC YGP has been developed to...
Good Practices Ireland English

Creative Agency Programme at the Glucksman

Creative Agency at the Glucksman is an ongoing project to empower young asylum seekers, refugees and migrants to participate in imaginative projects that enable them to present their voices and...
Good Practices Ireland English

Schools of Sanctuary, Ireland

Schools of Sanctuary Ireland is an initiative of Places of Sanctuary. Set up in 2016 and linked to a national UK movement, Places of Sanctuary is a network of communities...
Good Practices Ireland English

Refugee Resettlement: Addressing Educational Needs of Newly Arrived Syrian and Iraqi Students in Ireland

This intervention was led by the NGO Doras Luimní and funded by UNHCR and the Department of Justice under the Irish Refugee Resettlement Programme (IRRP) in coordination with Limerick City...
Good Practices Ireland English

Embracing Diversity, Nurturing Integration, Learning for Life Project (EDNIP)

EDNIP was a research and intervention project led by the Transforming Education through Dialogue Project (TED), Curriculum Development Unit, and Mary Immaculate College (MIC) of Limerick, Ireland. EDNIP evolved through...
Good Practices Ireland English

Rohingya Resettlement in Carlow, Ireland: Children’s Integration in the Wider Community

The overall objective of the programme was to welcome and ensure the positive integration of 15 Rohingya refugee families in Carlow. Community integration saw the development of a range of...
Good Practices Ireland English

SIRIUS 2.0 - Project continuing the work of the SIRIUS Policy Network on Migrant Education

This project continues the work of the SIRIUS Policy network which is the world’s leading network doing policy advocacy on migrant education. The Network uses a theory of change approach...
Good Practices European Union English

Migrant Teacher Project

Established in 2017, the Migrant Teacher Project aims to increase the participation of Immigrant Internationally Educated Teachers (IIETs) in Irish primary and post-primary schools. Research shows that there are huge...
Good Practices Ireland English

Sport Against Racism Ireland (SARI) - Soccernites, Hijabs and Hat Tricks, and Diverse City

SARI (Sport Against Racism Ireland) is a social enterprise, not for profit NGO that “supports cultural integration, social inclusion and cohesion in the Irish Republic, Northern Ireland and abroad by...
Good Practices Ireland English

Waterford Integration Services - Engagements in Education

Waterford Integration Services (WIS) is an NGO providing since 2006 a range of support services to refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in the South-East region of Ireland. WIS’s Access and...
Good Practices Ireland English

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