Online Digital Database – Resource

Online Digital Database – Resource2022-04-07T11:55:57+02:00
Professional Development Service for Teacher: Team-Teaching for Literacy


Professional Development Service for Teacher: Team-Teaching for Literacy seminars rolled out nationally and provides guidance to Special Education and mainstream class teachers in how children for whom English is an additional language can be supported in their own classrooms through the inclusive team-teaching model. The website contains webinars and resources such as team teaching resources as the 2019 guide ‘Effective Interventions for Struggling Readers’ to support teachers in teaching literacy for all children. The website also contains useful educational resources for teaching English as an Additional Language and a guidelines in facilitating inclusion in mainstream classrooms.

  • Other tools and resources
  • Country of origin / implementation:
  • Ireland
  • Language:
  • English
  • Compliance with the Dashboard Outcomes:
    • Children's academic skills
    • Children's competence in host language

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