Online Digital Database – Resource

Online Digital Database – Resource2022-04-07T11:55:57+02:00
Position paper on the relevance of inclusion in schools and its effect on education and on lack of school attendance in Italian schools.


Nowadays School is called to face a complex challenge: not only to teach students didactic units but also to include and support children and adolescents in becoming citizens aware of their rights; moreover, to assume the responsibility to respect, protect and promote the rights of other people. Save the Children’s report analyses data and facts on Italian schools by formulating recommendations to combat early school leaving and to increase well-being at school, giving voice to students and teachers.

  • Policy papers
  • Country of origin / implementation:
  • Italy
  • Language:
  • Italian
  • Compliance with the Dashboard Outcomes:
    • Children's academic skills
    • Children's life satisfaction / happiness
    • Children's sense of belonging
    • Institutions
    • Teachers
    Policy Paper addressed to:
  • National Governments
  • Latest news

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