Online Digital Database – Resource

Online Digital Database – Resource2022-04-07T11:55:57+02:00
In Crescendo


"In crescendo" is a musical educational project promoted by the socio-educational area of the Orchestra of Castille and Leon. The intervention takes place in an educational centre situated in an urban area of Valladolid called Barrio de las Delicias, characterised by its high rate of migrant population (coming predominantly from Morocco, Romania, Dominican Republic and Bulgaria) and also by a high rate of people of Roma ethnicity. Starting in the first grade of primary school, instrument construction workshops are held and in the second grade students join the orchestra with which they perform live in different places. Through orchestral and choral practice children learn how to work with peers and engage in an activity that will have a final product to be performed in public. The project aims at fostering the social inclusion of students, preventing truancy, increasing motivation and self-esteem, and developing key values (respect, commitment, teamwork, patience, coexistence). The project first started in the primary school CEIP Allúe Morer in the schoolyear 2010-2011, where it is now part of the curriculum. Owing to its success, the project is being reproduced in five more schools. The funds are provided by Fundación SaludArte and Orquesta Sinfónica de Castilla y León.

  • Good Practices
  • Country of origin / implementation:
  • Spain
  • Language:
  • Spanish
  • Compliance with the Dashboard Outcomes:
    • Children's academic skills
    • Children's competence in host language
    • Children's life satisfaction / happiness
    • Children's sense of belonging
    • Friends and peers (bridges)
    • Friends and peers (support)

    Evaluation ex post
    An evaluation ex post has been conducted to assess the impact of the project on the children’s school performance comparing two groups (1. students in the orchestra 2. other students). The actors who participated in the evaluation were orchestra teachers, teachers from the school, the participating children and their families, which made it possible to compare the results obtained between these four groups. The assessed competences were linguistic, mathematic, digital, social, cultural and artistic, learn to learn, autonomy and initiative and physical world. In all competences, the orchestra group showed more improvement than the non-orchestra group. The project reached all its goals, being especially successful in preventing truancy and increasing the motivation of the students. See attached document showing these results: "In Crescendo, one more step (assessment)".

    Projects’ deliverables
    See attached documents called: "In Crescendo Workshops (dissemination)" and "Project Report In Crescendo 2010-2017". The first document gives a brief explanation of the project, mentions all the schools where it is implemented and describes its characteristics. The second document is the project report carried out regarding the 2010-2017 period.

    Although there are no reproducibility documents, the project has been reproduced in six educational centres (see attached document "In Crescendo Workshops (dissemination)"). It started in the CEIP Allúe Morer and it is now being implemented in the CEIP Cristóbal Colón, IES Arca Real, CEIP Buenos Aires in Palencia, CEIP Juan del Enzina in Salamanca and CEIP Padre Manjón in León. This means that the project is being implemented in other areas of Spain with different socio-demographic and cultural characteristics and is still having a positive impact on the student body. Nevertheless, the basic steps to reproduce this project are: 1. To include the orchestra activity in the school curriculum 2. To let all students join the activity irrespective of their musical knowledge 3. To count on orchestra members who are willing to teach the children in exchange of a reduction of their working hours 4. To get funds for the instruments from the orchestral socio-educational project or from another foundation.

    Motivation for the submission
    The main motivation for the submission of this project is the social inclusion it achieves through the allowance for all students to participate, regardless of their previous musical knowledge. It has also shown great results in the enhancement of several scholar competences and key values. Especially interesting for IMMERSE purposes are the results referring to prevention of truancy, the motivation to continue with their studies, the improvement in the host language and the sense of belonging to a common project.

  • Foundations
  • Symphony Orchestra of Castilla y León (OSCyL)
  • Type of action:
  • Extra-curricular activity
  • Inserted into the school curriculum
  • Target:
  • All students enrolled in the educational centre
  • Migrant children (first and/or second generation)
  • Professionals involved:
  • Teachers
  • Volunteer musicians of the orchestra working as music teachers
  • Networking - Actors and institutions mobilized by the project:
  • Local authorities
  • NGOs, third sector organizations
  • Schools
  • Universities, research centres
  • Latest news

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